drifting boat



Icebreaker: Longest Line- Make two teams with at least 4 or more members per team. Each group will be given a bundle of equal number of strings of same length. However, 1st member can only use one of his hands to tie a string with the help from one hand of 2nd member, 3rd member with 4th member and so on. If 3rd member can coordinate well with the 2nd and 4th member simultaneously, this team will certainly increase their chance of winning as “the longest line”. To make it more difficult use different types of strings e.g. sewing thread, ribbon, fishing thread (do not use stretchable material). Also, no verbal communication is allowed during the game. Facilitator can ask players to share their “in-sight” or “experience” from the game. Team with the longest line made in 5 minutes wins.


Worship: Use the Worship DVD, a Testimony or an Exalting Prayer

Word:  Heb. 2:1:” We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.” NIV

The word drifting away in our text is the word “pararrhueō“in the Greek which means: – to flow by, that is, (figuratively) carelessly pass (miss): – let slip.

Most of us have very clear promises of God over our lives. Sometimes when difficulties come we tend to lose focus of these promises and actually “Drift away” from what God has for us.

This happened to the Israelites in Numbers 13.

The giants they faced kept a whole generation from the promised land that which God intended them to have (Numbers 14:20-35) except for two men; Joshua and Caleb. While all the other spies were afraid Caleb said:” We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it” Num. 13:30

In the same way as the nation of Israel God has called us as a church for a specific task and purpose. It is the strategy of satan to keep us from entering God’s ordained plan for us. Satan uses giants; enemies of our faith to keep us from entering God’s promise and purpose! God is looking for Joshua’s and Caleb’s who will completely trust Him and not drift away from His promise.

As in the Ice breaker we need each other to complete this work and it is crucial that we know the enemies that keep us from working together. Over the last two weeks we have been speaking of two giants; firstly offenses and now drifting away because of difficulties and circumstances. But we will not cower because of wounds and difficulties, we will not for whatever reason let the purpose of God slip by, NO we will like Caleb take hold of it and we will receive the promise!  (See Numbers 14:30)


  • Ask each member to share specific promises of God for their individual & family lives.
  • Ask them what the giants in their lives are and let the group willingly share.
  • Can we as a cell group commit together to God’s purpose for us as a group and for our church to fulfill its calling?


  • Pray for the individual giants and difficulties people are facing.
  • In pairs please facilitate a time for confession and repentance for drifting away from God’s promise.
  • Prayer of commitment by cell leader.

Manifesting God’s love!

Author: andriesvanheerden

There is nothing more exciting than being at the right place at the right time, knowing God is with you. God loves people. With all our hear

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